Ex-congressman Jamal Bowman gets stuck in building.

Ex-congressman Jamal Bowman gets stuck in building.

Ex-congressman Jamaal Bowman was reported as having an incident at his local BLM chapter meeting. Upon the meeting taking a turn that Jamal didn't like, he immediately rose from his seat in search of the exit. "He started shouting and raising his hands in anger while screaming about Black Lives Matter. We're all black and were sitting there wondering who he's talking to, and about! We are literally on the same side?"

Jamal walked to the exit and when seen what appeared to be him trying to unlock the fire alarm, was confronted, but not before trying to escape by pushing on the exit doors that were marked "Pull only". Jamale then began screaming that his captors were trying to enslave him like they did his people. It was then that security politely opened the door for him, and he then proceeded to run out of the building while singing what sounded to be "Micheal row your boat ashore." 

Rachel Vincent, the BLM director said when questioned: "We don't know what happened to him. He accused all of us of being racists and wanting to be more like the bigoted right. We were simply taking a vote on if we should expand the parking to by ten more spaces."

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Jamal Bowman has had no comment on this seeing as how we haven't reached out to him because we don't wish to be accused of being racist would-be slave traders. 

Follow us for more bullshit news here: John Burk

John Burk is not an author, and this article is entirely fictional, although we do have our doubts on Jamal's ability to read door signs. 

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