"It was an accident!" Screamed Lucas Kunce, democrat hopeful that's facing off against Josh Hawley in MO, but it was too late. The journalist that was shot by Kunce, after having been improperly bandaged by him, warned Kunce that he'd better have a good lawyer.
Kunce took to social media to ask for help setting up a gofundme to raise funds for his legal case that he will no doubt face once the journalist decides to bring a lawsuit against him. Within minutes former actor, now turned cinematographer bounty hunter, Alec Baldwin tweeted in response saying, "Hey Kunce, at least you didn't kill anyone :)"

Kunce had called for a press briefing to give statements to reporters, but none showed up claiming that one wounded journalist was enough. Disgraced former congressman Adam Kitzinger had this to say about the range day accident, "I honestly didn't know what was going on. I've never fired an AR-15 because weapons of war scare me. I was in the Air Force and the extent of my weapons training was how to use a stapler against a would-be active shooter."
Kitzinger had tried to provide first-aid for the wounded journalist but passed out at the sight of blood. Medics that arrived on the scene loaded Kitzinger up first being he'd been complaining of his head hurting from the loud sounds the guns make.

We'd reached out to Kunce for comment but were unable to reach him and based upon how he treats journalists, we'll just send a text next time.
This article is satire and should not be viewed as truthful, except the part where Kunce injured a journalist when acting like a moron out on the firing range.
Story by, John Burk. The veteran that hasn't shot a reporter.

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